Lavender Essential Oil - Lavandula angustifolia (also known as Lavandula officinalis or Lavandula vera) is known as "true lavender" and is the most important variety therapeutically. Lavender essential oil is a classic in aromatherapy and is likely the widest-used essential oil to date. Lavender also can be safely used on children.
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Plant Part: Flowering Tops
Details: All Natural, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
Properties: Analgesic, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, Anti-spasmodic, Emmenagogue, Decongestant, Antidepressant, Calmative, and Sedative.
Learn More - Click Links Below:
Did you Know Lavender could do this?
Historical Uses: Lavender has historically been used to clean and help heal wounds and burns, to repel insects, to calm and soothe emotions, to recover from minor illness, to address skin complaints, to relieve headaches, and to wash laundry, as well as in perfumery and cooking.
Possible Uses:
Blends well with: Bergamot, Geranium, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Cypress, Marjoram, and Melaleuca.
Lavender Essential Oil Application:
Download this PDF printable sheet here: LAVENDER INFO SHEET .PDF
Stress Away Roller blend
Mix everything into a 10ml glass roll on bottle top off with fractionated coconut oil roll on wrists and forehead when stress is high.
Diffuse Anxiety Away